Phoenix Silhouettes


150 Days In Review

Diet Updates, Fitness Updates, Phoenix PheathersResauche Flax

150 Days In and 215 Days To Go In 2019

The month of April was extremely busy preparing for the 45-Day #SUMMASCOMING Challenge while the month of May has been extremely exciting participating and interacting with he participants. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I lost 1.3 lbs from March to April ending at 156 lbs. I started the Challenge May 7th at 156 lbs. My next weight update will be after the Challenge ends 06/21/19.

The response and support from the community has been absolutely amazing!! I don’t think we realize how important it is to have a positive support system. This is one key to success. The other key is YOU. When you take the momentum of “drive/determination” and put it into actions, The Sky Is The Limit. I have spent the last couple of years focusing on losing weight. In 2019, I decided to focus on fitness and transforming my body. It took only a couple of months before others were noticing a change in my body as well as my overall emotional well-being. My family and friends (co-workers) became my positive support system. This was a way for me hold myself accountable and stay on track. My positive support system encouraged me to start the 45-Day #SUMMASCOMING Challenge. As the Challenge is currently underway (Day#23 of 45), I have been tracking 11 participants with weekly emails/calls/text messages providing information based on my personal experience or resources available to help them through their journey. Each and every one of ya’ll have reported back with some type of success whether it was meal prepping, exercise regimens, waist training, discussions about something you’ve read or heard, and if nothing else, just to check-in to see how I am doing.

31 Days.....And….

Diet Updates, Fitness UpdatesResauche Flax

31 Days down and 334 days to go in 2019.

The first 31 days of this year-long health and fitness journey, bye-bye! I have remained as focused and motivated as Day #1. I made the commitment to embark on this lifestyle change and so far I am sticking to it. Each day I find myself researching and pursuing information to find ideas to help me stick to my schedule/routine and at the same time keep things fresh and exciting. I watch YouTube videos, scroll Instagram and Pinterest, read daily blogs, and search Google to find different recipes, meal plans, exercise routines, and regimens to help me manage my needs to keep going STRONG (I'm sure we all do this). In the past, I would start a diet and it was almost a secret until someone noticed a change and you were almost forced to say what you did or were doing. I had only a few friends to share my experiences with to help me stay on track. Well, this journey is DIFFERENT, totally DIFFERENT. I know a lot of my motivation and success staying on track has to do with sharing my story on different social media platforms. The other reason is I am getting older and quite frankly, could care less who knew or didn't know about my struggles with weight or body insecurities. I am more comfortable talking about the things I do that work for me, didn’t work for me, or I tweaked to get my results. In 31 days, I have managed to beat the "Suga" monster, stay away from CARBS, and workout regularly. The “Suga” monster is like the devil on your shoulder. I keep reminding myself of the goals and that’s about the only thing standing in the way of me devouring a bag of Haribo Gummies (well, and my husband guarding the basket at the grocery store blocking my attempts to get the bag in the backset before checkout - THANKS HUSBAND #MutomboInGeicoCommerial)

21 Days - Did We Beat the Sugar and Carbs Craving….

Diet Updates, Fitness UpdatesResauche Flax

21 Days down and 344 days to go in 2019.

There are plenty of articles and studies out there claiming it takes 21 days to break a habit. While eating foods high in sugar and carbs is more a lifestyle choice, the concept of breaking habits can still be applied. You are breaking the habit of eating bread, rice, potatoes and dessert with every meal each day. It’s day #21 into 2019 (and today is MLK Jr. Holiday) and I am here documenting my continued transformation journey to a healthier me. So far, I am claiming success revamping my diet and sticking to my exercise goals.

10 Days Into 2019

Fitness Updates, Diet UpdatesResauche Flax

10 Days down and 355 days to go in 2019.

I am sure this sounds to optimistic for some but others, words of encouragement. I have managed to stay #SUGARFREE for 10 days. I have managed to stick to my goal to workout 2 - 3 times a week (actually 3 times each week so far). I am burning 550 - 770 calories per session.

Week #1 and #2 Exercise and in Diet Review

In the Kick-Off Blog, I shared my starting weight for this journey was 170.6 lbs. As of 01/11/2019, my current weight is 166.1 lbs. Understanding, the numbers look good and sound good but this is really the detoxing process. I am going through the stage of removing the extra water weight and toxins as I have focused on my food intake and maximizing my results with workout.

The Phoenix Commits to Exercise in 2019

Fitness UpdatesResauche Flax

Participating in daily exercise will assist with enhancing your “Fire Body”.

2019 is the year to release your Phoenix Silhouettes.

I have decided to embark on a fitness journey to change my body for the better. There were so many inspirational YouTubers with less than 1000 subscribers. Their journeys were amazing. In mind, I thought if they can do it and put a video out for the world to see, I can do it and blog about it on my website.

Feeding My Phoenix

Diet UpdatesResauche Flax

Enhancing your “Fire Body” starts from the inside.

After years of failed roller coaster fad diets, I was at my lowest and realized I was turning 40 and needed to get my physical and mental health together. As I attempted yet another go at starting a diet, I decided I would follow a low fat diet. I noticed eating high protein made me gain weight and still crave sugar. After understanding what worked for me and body, I realized the “Low Carb Life” was the best eating plan for me.