Phoenix Silhouettes

Phoenix Silhouettes 2019 Year Review

Diet Updates, Fitness UpdatesResauche Flax
2019 Year Review pic for blog.png

2019 RECAP

Phoenix Silhouettes launched this website and blog in January 2019 with the goal of documenting my personal journey to be fit and healthy in 2019. I started with updates of my progress in the gym as I focused on weight loss and transforming my body. I started my journey 12/31/18 at 170.6 lbs and wearing a size Large Premium Latex Waist Trainer on the 1st row of hooks. This blog quickly became the platform for sharing and posting my activity on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. I was being asked lots of questions about diet, exercise, tools used for tracking macros, performance tools, etc. This is when I realized I could inspire others to meet and exceed their goals to be confident and the “best” version of themselves they can be. My wheels started spinning and I started creating content for any and everyone interested.

170.6 lbs

170.6 lbs

January 2019 - April 2019

I lost 13.3 lbs and launched Phoenix Silhouettes Phoenix Pheathers, Premium Latex Waist Trainers. I had progressed to the second row of hooks on the size Large Premium Latex Waist Trainer. I was down to 157.3 lbs in the first 3 months.

We lost Nipsey Hussle on March 31, 2019 ~“Find Your Purpose Or You Wasting Air”.. Nipsey Hussle #RIPNIPSEY

157.3 lbs (down 13.3 lbs)

157.3 lbs (down 13.3 lbs)

May 2019 - August 2019

We hosted our first challenge, the 45-Day SUMMASCOMING Challenge. And who can forget the winner of this challenge, Arlette Williams? This phenomenal woman lost 15.4 lbs and 13 inches in 45 DAYS. She participated in an interview and allowed Phoenix Silhouettes to post before and after pics of her results. Arlette has continued to support Phoenix Silhouettes testing and promoting our Phoenix Pheathers garments every chance she gets. You can read her full interview in the blog posted 07/19/19.

I ended the 45-Day SUMMASCOMING Challenge weighing 148.7 lbs BUT by July 31 was up to 154.8 lbs (this is life). I was also down to the 3rd row of hooks on the size Large Premium Latex Waist Trainer.

September 2019 - December 2019

We hosted a second challenge, the 16-Week Transformation Challenge. This was designed to encourage and keep the participants motivated through the end of 2019. We needed to get through the holidays without sabotaging all the hard work from 2019. The objective was to make sure the 2019 Goals Did Not Become 2020 Resolutions.

Phoenix Silhouettes also released a new garment in October 2019, Ultraflex Bodysuit. This garment is OMG E’vrything!

It remains a top seller of the garments available on the website.

There was not much in the way of activity in November.

In December 2019, we released the Men’s Ultra Sweat + Compression Vest. This garment was highly requested by our male supporters, our Phellas. We will continue to test and track trends for the men to ensure they are able to display their FIRE BODIES in 2020.

The 16-Week Transformation Challenge ended 12/21/19. We had several participants who were very honest and realistic with their goals and progress along the way. The results were received and there were 3 WINNERS. These ladies did not want their names or images posted on the blog or social media.

NOTE: I ended the 16-Week Transformation Challenge weighing 151.6 lbs. My goal was to be 140 lbs. My lowest weight during the challenge was 148 lbs. I have no excuses for not reaching my goal. I could’ve or should’ve been more strict with diet and exercise; however, I am still pleased I did not gain too much weight either. For 2019, I have lost a total of 19 lbs. AYEEE!!!! SO NO COMPLAINTS FROM ME!!

Phoenix Silhouettes has continued to grow with awesome supporters of the blog, followers on IG and FB, and Pinterest. The biggest social media platform for Phoenix Silhouettes is Pinterest. In 2019, there were over 7,100 impressions from our boards. This is jaw-dropping awesome!

New Garment with pics.png
151.6 lbs - And YES, the boots are CUSTOM!!

151.6 lbs - And YES, the boots are CUSTOM!!


Here’s What I Have Learned In 2019…..

It is totally acceptable to be brutally honest about yourself but you must tip-toe on broken glass when addressing someone else’s short-coming. Well, this is NOT me and NEVER will be. If you want me to listen, I am all ears BUT if you want my opinion, you get the brutally honest version. My weight loss journey started in 2016 when I trekked the path alone. I did not have a “Phoenix Silhouettes” available to provide FREE mentoring, motivation, coaching and tried/true resources. Yes, I had GOOGLE and YouTube but not a person I could email or call to talk about my highs/lows or victories/struggles. I have learned most people want to change but don’t know where to start or how to stay motivated. The hardest part of any transition is CHANGE. The ingredient needed to transition is WILL POWER. You must be mentally prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to transition to something different. Too many times, we find ourselves giving 110% to resist CHANGE when we should shift this effort and give 110% to accept CHANGE.

All Progress Takes Place Outside The Comfort Zone ~ Michael John Bobak

I had to get out of my comfort zone to share more of my story and pictures of myself to my audience. By doing this, I was able to catapult Phoenix Silhouettes to a contending resource for those looking to transform into a better version of themselves. Sharing my experiences and connecting with others walking the same path has helped me stay “on track” (to a certain degree). I believe we all need an outlet and a #GOALFRIEND or two to successfully navigate this challenging transition to a healthier version of ourselves.

Phoenix Silhouettes will continue to encourage and support those who are READY to take ACTION, make necessary CHANGES, and STOP with ALL the EXCUSES!!!!

I stay committed to helping everyone Exude Confidence and Enhance their Fire Body!!



Starts 01/06/2020 Ends 02/09/2020

Email by Midnight Monday 01/06/2020 acknowledging you want to participate and provide your goals as well as your plan to get there. You must include before pics (good quality photos that can be re-created once the challenge ends).

All participants will receive a follow-up email Tuesday 01/07/2020 with workout tips and meal ideas!!


All information and tools presented and written within this site are intended for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and any nutritional information on should only be used as a general guideline. This information is provided as a courtesy and there is no guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. You understand and acknowledge that you should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. You also understand and acknowledge that you should never disregard or delay seeking medical advice relating to treatment or standard of care because of information contained in or transmitted through the website.